Warm chia pudding

I started writing this in June, so it was definitely a bit colder then, but today I made this again for breakfast as it was wet and gloomy.  Originally, I made this for lunch one winter day when I was craving something warm and yummy.  I couldn't be bothered cooking a proper meal, so instead I made this: a warm chia pudding.  I then made it again a few days later for the kids after school... they scoffed it down in a few seconds.  

1 apple, peeled and grated
1 carrot, peeled and grated
1 TBS coconut oil
1/4 cup frozen berries (optional)
Ground ginger to taste
Ground cinnamon to taste
2 Tbs chia seeds per person
1/4-1/2 cup warm (not too hot!) filtered water per person
2+ TBS yoghurt per person (I used coconut, but cow or goat would be great too)
Ground almonds, walnuts and macadamia or any nuts you like.

In a small fry pan with lid, warm coconut oil and add apple and carrot.  Cook with lid on for about 5 minutes, or until soft and warm.  Add berries and heat until thawed.  Add cinnamon and ginger to taste (I used about 1/2 tsp of each, feel free to add more or less). 

Whilst this is cooking, place chia seeds in a bowl and add warmed filtered water.  Stir well, if too thick add a little more water. Once it's your desired thickness, add yoghurt and stir again.  Top with the carrot, apple & berries and sprinkle on the nuts.


I didn't have any berries in this one

I didn't have any berries in this one